Background Check

We find for you all information that is publicly available about a person or a company.

​Check out your next customer or client before signing a contract, or learn what information can be found about you and your company.

Request a background check

​Minimize risks with
our Background Check

Some decisions can have significant consequences. That's why it's beneficial to know as much as possible about the new customer, employee or business partner. We help you make informed decisions and minimize the risk of litigation, financial loss or reputational damage.
Having more information helps you stay one step ahead.

​Are you facing important decisions?

​Create a basis for decision making

​As an IT security company, we have a lot of experience and the best resources to gather any information about a person or a company. We will find out for you everything that is publicly available. To do this, we search with targeted techniques and different search engines in the:

  • Clear Web
  • Deep Web
  • and Dark Web.

​If you are not sure whether we can gather the information you need, or whether it is publicly available, please call us without obligation.

Contact us